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Become A Member

Together, we the members provide the lifeblood so that our movement can thrive. You don’t have to be a Louisianian to join.

Every membership level provides exclusive access to certain news and events that non-members don’t get, but only Flag members and Founding Fathers can obtain the Free Louisiana flag. It is not available for sale.

The Free Louisiana Flag represents our movement and organization. It displays our passion to protect both Americanism and Louisiana from East/West Coast rule by making Louisiana self-governing.

There are 3 types of Free Louisiana members:

  • Patriot Membership $6 per month for 12 months
  • Flag Membership $16.99 per month for 12 months – get a Free Louisiana flag for free. Allow 8 weeks for shipping & handling.
    (1699 was the year when Louisiana was founded and dedicated to God & country. The first European settlement in Louisiana was established in that year by Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne, sieur de Bienville and his brother Pierre Le Moyne d’Iberville.)
  • Founding Father (or Mother) Membership $42 per month for 12 months – get a Free Louisiana flag for free within 3 weeks, plus recognition.

To become a member, choose the monthly recurring donation instead of the one-time gift when you donate, and let us know that you’re giving for at least 12 months by typing into the comments. The monthly donation will continue automatically until you turn it off by contacting us. You can turn it off at any time, even before reaching 12 months.