To learn about becoming a member click here. All members are paying members.
We don’t report on donations or donors because we are not a PAC.
We can accept funds or stock from the US or overseas, because we do not engage in federal elections. There is no cap on the amount you are allowed to give. Business owners are welcome to give directly from their corporation rather than from their pocket. If you’d like to give a very large donation, feel free to contact us about it.
Checks may be sent to:
Free Louisiana
PO BOX 74073
Metairie LA 70033
You can turn off recurring donations at any time by contacting us.
Donations are not tax deductible. But you probably don’t itemize your income taxes anymore anyway, since the standard deduction was increased so much in 2017. Free Louisiana is a 501c4, not c3, so that we may engage in politics. It is a “non-profit” but not a “charity.”
Thank you for helping make Free Louisiana successful!