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The Louisiana Referendum Pledge

Has your candidate signed the Pledge? How do you know how they’ll vote on the most important issue if they don’t sign? Ask them to do so! As soon as we get a sufficient number of signers, we will publish a list of signers with links to their campaign websites so that you can support them.

Those who refuse to sign don’t trust you, the voters of Louisiana, to choose. This is not a pro-independence pledge. It just trusts the people to vote on an independence referendum.

This pledge is not just for state legislators. It’s for any Louisiana candidate or office-holder for a state or local or party office, even offices such as committee member for a political party.

The Louisiana Referendum Pledge:

I thank God for blessing Louisiana with an honorable history, a unique gumbo of cultures, fertile soil & waterways, and abundant resources.

I pledge to be loyal to the citizenry of Louisiana, never putting the interests of another state, country, or globalist organization above them.

Whereas Article 1 of the Louisiana Constitution begins with the words “All government, of right, originates with the people, is founded on their will alone…” and continues in Section 26 with “The people of this state have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves as a free and sovereign state,” therefore:

If it is within the powers of my office, I pledge to vote, in every term of office, for legislation that would give the citizens of Louisiana the opportunity to vote on whether or not Louisiana should, for the benefit of every citizen of Louisiana, peacefully withdraw our membership in the Union.

If such a referendum shows majority support, I pledge to work to enact the will of the people, to the extent of the powers of my office, so help me God.

Sign the Louisiana Referendum Pledge

If you are a candidate or officeholder you can sign the Louisiana Referendum Pledge by filling out the form below. Your phone and email address will not be published, but the rest will (after we have a good number of signers). You may contact us if you have a question. If you're not a candidate, you can still sign our petition.

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