Jim Crow is in Louisiana’s past, not its future. An independent Louisiana would ensure that every race is treated equally. Free Louisiana envisions a Republic of Louisiana for every citizen of Louisiana: Republicans and Democrats of all races and beliefs.
Louisiana polls show that support for discrimination ended long ago. Look at what a 2021 LSU poll found:
Approximately half (52%) of state residents say the country needs to continue making
2021 poll by LSU
changes for racial equality, and 44% either say the country has made the changes needed
(20%) or say the country has gone too far in making changes on rights for Black people
Obviously, anyone who still favors oppressing Black people would have chosen the third option, which only 22% of Louisianians chose. That’s not a big enough percentage to keep a governor in office who discriminates against Blacks. And most of those 22% would have other reasons for choosing that option – many conservatives listen to pundits who call out the discrimination against whites that has arisen from affirmative action and DEI policies, especially federal rules and laws. So most or all of those 22% are people who are concerned about anti-White discrimination, not people who want the government to impose anti-Black discrimination.
Louisiana polls show that support for discrimination ended long ago. California polls show that support for reverse discrimination is growing in popularity. Louisiana would ensure that every race is treated equally.
Free Louisiana envisions a Republic of Louisiana for every citizen of Louisiana: Republicans and Democrats of all races and beliefs.